Friday, November 9, 2007

Flying Away

The last few weeks have shown me several places besides Sheppard AFB. Part of our instrument training is to fly 2 out and back missions and a cross country. This allows us to practice instrument approaches and procedures at airfields we are unfamiliar with. First, I flew an out and back mission...exactly what it sounds Abilene, TX. Once there we ate lunch at a local BBQ place that was pretty good. Last weekend I had my cross country flight to Denver. I grew up in Denver most of my life so it was really neat to fly into a place that I knew. We spent the weekend there and I got to visit with Andrea and Gavin since they were already in Colo Springs visiting family. As we prepared to depart from Denver the #1 engine on our aircraft wouldn't we had to stay another night and fly back commercial the next morning. This was a good and bad thing. Good because I got to do another out and back, but bad because I had to plan for that other out and back. This week I flew my last two out and backs to Dallas and Lubbock. They are fun missions but the planning literally takes longer than the flight.

Additionally, this week I finished my last T-37 simulator (link). I can't tell you how exciting it is to be done with the links. Simulator is a loose term...really it is just a working T-37 cockpit where you fly instrument procedures on the ground. It is as bad as it sounds. There were a total of about 15 of these links...LINK COMPLETE!!!

Next week I will have 3 flights before my check ride. I cannot wait to get this thing knocked out! The instrument check is the most heavily weighted of the check rides and is most important because it is the material that will be used throughout my flying career...regardless of what I fly. Fortunately we have a 3-day weekend this I need to rip the plastic off of my study material and get going.

After this check ride there are 3 left...low-level navigation, advanced contact (aerobatics), and formation...all the good stuff!!!

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