Sunday, November 25, 2007

Just Let Me Check!!!

My instrument check ride was supposed to happen the week before last...but the weather finally decided to change here in Wichita Falls. There were a couple days that the wind was out of limits for us to fly. There can't be more than a 17 knot crosswind or 35 knots sustained wind for the T-37. As the cold fronts moved through, the wind picked up. These cancelled flights moved my schedule back to last week...leaving me to dwell on it for another weekend. In addition, we only had 3 days last week due to the long weekend. I had to accomplish one flight prior to my check ride and the weather outlook for Tuesday and Wednesday wasn't looking good.

On Monday I completed my last pre-check ride flight uneventfully. It wasn't a very good flight, but I passed I was scheduled to check on Tuesday. There were 2 people from my class checking on Tuesday including myself. My flight was scheduled later in the morning. While I was briefing with the check pilot the announcement came over the loud speaker that the wind had stopped T-37 operations...damn it! It is mentally challenging to get in the right mindset and then let it go and then be prepared to go later. I was told to stick around for a few hours to see if the weather would let was 10:30. A few hours went by and we were still at a Stop Launch. Finally, they told me that if it didn't change by 2:00 we would move it to Wednesday. At 1:45 as I packed all my stuff to go home, the status changed and they asked if I still wanted to go..."of course!" We got ready and went to the duty desk, where we check in before flying, and my instructor basically decided it wasn't a good idea for us to push it with the questionable winds...I was pissed!

So...I had one last chance before the 4-day weekend. Not only did I get moved to Wednesday, but it was with an instructor who is infamous for being a bit fact, I had flown with him once before and he pretty much crushed my will to fly (only for about a day or two). Wednesday I came in at 6am...ready for my 7:45 flight...but again the weather wasn't looking good. We briefed anyways in anticipation of the weather changing...and the weather broke just enough for us to fly! Because of the poor weather we had to fly a non-standard profile...but I think that may have worked to my advantage a bit. The flight went pretty well...especially considering my prior few flights had several days between them and they weren't very good. The ground eval (knowledge and emergency procedures) went awesome...this is what I was most nervous about. I PASSED!

With that check out of the way I move on to the fun stuff...low-level, aerobatics, and formation...what a relief! Also, Andrea and Gav are back...all is right...

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